50 Days...

50 Days...

So... for the past couple of months I have decided to slowly cut dairy and meat out of my diet. I cut red meat out of my diet about 4 years ago, but recently I have been completely slowing down on my dairy intake. About 4 years ago, I attempted to do a "lent fast" and in my community, we all give up meat and dairy, or choose to give up something else. This is not forced upon anyone; however I really wanted to do it at the time. Around 4 years ago I was a lot tinier than I am now, I was about 4'10 and weighed 60 lbs, and compared to me now, that is a lot different. Giving up meat and dairy was not easy under these circumstances, especially because I played sports. 30 days in, I got extremely sick and had to begin eating dairy or meat due to how weak my body had become. Now it is 4 years later, and I have decided that this was going to be the year I completed the full 50 day fast. Considering the fact that I have been slowly cutting out meat and dairy... it is not as hard as it used to be, and it is kind of turning into a lifestyle rather than a fast. I believe that it is forcing me to cook more, try new foods, and it has made a great impact on my faith, and my self control. If you are not a part of a culture who does a fast, I highly recommend you placing one upon yourself because the reward afterwards is worth everything. Below is my favorite Vegan Breakfast and my favorite Vegan Coffee. If you're reading this and interested in it, you can follow @wellnessandwardrobe on Instagram for more information!


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