Find your escape. No matter how many tips I will give you on the right essential oil, or the right hobby, you must find your escape. What is strong enough to pull you away from your stress, and force you to follow these upcoming habits? THAT is what you must find before expecting to do any of these activities. These tasks will not instantly make you happy, and they will not solve your issues, but they will temporarily, and over time drift your mind away from it. Journal : Before letting you, you should talk about it. Call a friend, write it down, talk to God, or talk to yourself through a car ride. No matter how you prefer to express it, you should always begin by talking about it. This could help you realize how small the problem is, or how its supposed to be solved. Light a candle, and start your oil diffuser : I recently purchased an oil diffuser, and it has never powered off. I find so much peace going into my room, and smelling a nature Sandalwood, or Lavender oil. Oil diff...
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