
50 Days...

50 Days... So... for the past couple of months I have decided to slowly cut dairy and meat out of my diet. I cut red meat out of my diet about 4 years ago, but recently I have been completely slowing down on my dairy intake. About 4 years ago, I attempted to do a "lent fast" and in my community, we all give up meat and dairy, or choose to give up something else. This is not forced upon anyone; however I really wanted to do it at the time. Around 4 years ago I was a lot tinier than I am now, I was about 4'10 and weighed 60 lbs, and compared to me now, that is a lot different. Giving up meat and dairy was not easy under these circumstances, especially because I played sports. 30 days in, I got extremely sick and had to begin eating dairy or meat due to how weak my body had become. Now it is 4 years later, and I have decided that this was going to be the year I completed the full 50 day fast. Considering the fact that I have been slowly cutting out meat and dairy... it is ...

Podcast Episode 3

Podcast Episode 2

Podcast Episode 1

The link to my first podcast, hope you enjoy - still need to get the hang of it. <iframe src="" height="102px" width="400px" frameborder="0" scrolling="no"></iframe>

Tips For Handling Stress & Anxiety

Find your escape. No matter how many tips I will give you on the right essential oil, or the right hobby, you must find your escape. What is strong enough to pull you away from your stress, and force you to follow these upcoming habits? THAT is what you must find before expecting to do any of these activities. These tasks will not instantly make you happy, and they will not solve your issues, but they will temporarily, and over time drift your mind away from it. Journal : Before letting you, you should talk about it. Call a friend, write it down, talk to God, or talk to yourself through a car ride. No matter how you prefer to express it, you should always begin by talking about it. This could help you realize how small the problem is, or how its supposed to be solved. Light a candle, and start your oil diffuser : I recently purchased an oil diffuser, and it has never powered off. I find so much peace going into my room, and smelling a nature Sandalwood, or Lavender oil. Oil diff...

2020 Manifestation Board

Let’s begin with what is “manifestation?” Manifestation is what you make of it, it is your own definition. Throughout our daily lives we face many different tasks, and different opportunities. Some we accept because they are simple and comfortable; however the act of manifesting is the complete opposite of comfort. It is the idea of a goal so big it scares the small minded people. It is a dream you plan on living whether it is in a month from now, or three years from now. We must not just write down our goals, and our plans - we must MANIFEST it - and we must be reminded of our goals (through our manifestation board) I began creating my board by making my 2020 Resolutions, and listing goals I had for the year, and goals I had planned to overcome in the future. After physically listing these dreams in my journal, I began to print out pictures that corresponded with each goal. For example; I have big goals such as owning a NYC Apartment in the future, and little objectives like purcha...

Process of Blogging

In the past, there have been many times where I have thought about opening up my new blog and posting weekly on topics such as wellness, lifestyle, health, and fashion. I have been journaling since I could write, and always had a passion for writing and for reading. As I got older, I began to become influenced by many fashions and health bloggers, and it always inspired me to want to open up my own business venture where I got to speak about what I was passionate about. I have created small blogs on websites such as Wix and Squarespace, and although I have never published any posts, I felt as typing them out helped me to learn and improve more on my writing. I will proceed with my blog my creating content for those who have an interest in fashion, and the healthy lifestyle that has changed my life tremendously.