50 Days...
50 Days... So... for the past couple of months I have decided to slowly cut dairy and meat out of my diet. I cut red meat out of my diet about 4 years ago, but recently I have been completely slowing down on my dairy intake. About 4 years ago, I attempted to do a "lent fast" and in my community, we all give up meat and dairy, or choose to give up something else. This is not forced upon anyone; however I really wanted to do it at the time. Around 4 years ago I was a lot tinier than I am now, I was about 4'10 and weighed 60 lbs, and compared to me now, that is a lot different. Giving up meat and dairy was not easy under these circumstances, especially because I played sports. 30 days in, I got extremely sick and had to begin eating dairy or meat due to how weak my body had become. Now it is 4 years later, and I have decided that this was going to be the year I completed the full 50 day fast. Considering the fact that I have been slowly cutting out meat and dairy... it is ...